Range of Snow Rose varieties
The ability of Snow Roses to withstand inclement winter weather comes from the Christmas Rose. In the summer on the other hand, Snow Roses benefit from their Mediterranean parents' ability to cope with the heat and the sun. They do well in any type of soil, and they also thrive in sunny spots.
Snow Roses from the Helleborus Gold Collection® are particularly free-flowering and easy to care for. Because of their strong growth, they need plenty of space in the garden. Snow Roses flower unfailingly from December until well into March, producing a myriad of blooms in white, pink, or cream. They also make excellent displays in frost-resistant planters decorating balconies and terraces in winter.
Starting early December, HGC® Snow Dance® bears numerous charming white blooms. HGC® Shooting Star®, a very prolific bloomer, also shows off its pale pink blooms from December onwards. By contrast, late-flowering HGC® Pink Frost is a variety that produces eye-catching large pinkish flowers that turn a deeper pink as they fade.