Table decoration with Lenten Rose flowers
The multi-colour flowers of Lenten Rose varieties from the HGC® Spring Promise® series not only smarten up the dark time of year, but are also strikingly early heralds of spring. Having enjoyed the flowers of the Spring Promise® varieties in your garden from January onwards, you can still cut flowers in spring to make lovely floral arrangements embellishing your indoor or garden table. We show two simple yet effective ideas for table decoration with Lenten Rose flowers.
Floating Lenten Roses in the glass bowl
Cut Lenten Rose flowers from the garden just underneath the blooms and put in a glass bowl filled with water. The shape of the glass bowl is purely a matter of taste, but should be fairly shallow and just large enough to allow the flowers to cover the water surface almost completely. Make sure there are enough flowers in the bowl, otherwise they might seem lost and with them the decorative idea would lose its effect. As a variation, you can put decorative glass pellets, marbles or stones into the bowl before adding the flowers. Floating tea-light holders can also be placed in between the Lenten Rose flowers.